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Conifer’s Centralized Water Systems

Most of the 377 wells in the Activity Center are “exempt” wells meaning that they are exempt from metering. There are three centralized water systems: Conifer Metro District (CMD) at the Safeway Center, Aspen Park Metro District (APMD) at King Soopers and Conifer Water Association (CWA/CSA) at the Staples Center. All three systems provide monthly accounting to the Colorado Division Water Resources. For Water Year 2020 (WY20), all 3 systems total pumped 32933 gallons per day (GPD) or 36.9 acre feet per year (af/yr).

40 Years ago, CWA was permitted by decree to pump groundwater from the aquifer and release treated effluent to surface (North Turkey Creek). The 1999 and 2001 decrees for APMD and CMD required 95% of the water to be returned to the groundwater system, or recharged. This is accomplished through an exfiltration gallery under the parking lots. For Aspen Park Metro District, the 95% recharge could not be achieved with their first or their second exfiltration gallery, resulting in a release to surface to South Turkey Creek. In 2021, APMD transferred the recharge to a new injection well and the recharge has improved.

During normal operation, Conifer Sanitation Association (CSA) pumps its effluent to CMD’s Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), where it is co-mingled with CMD effluent, processed, and pumped back to a point of discharge to an unnamed tributary of North Turkey Creek (near the Sinclair station at Hwy-73.) For various reasons (either at the WWTP or point of discharge) CMD processed waste has been released into North Turkey Creek or, as in 2023, CSA processed waste has been recharged in the exfiltration gallery. This explains recharge greater than 100%.

Data and interpretations on this website are presented for general information only. This is a compilation of data from multiple sources and the compilers cannot ensure accuracy. Contents are continuously updated and the compilers strive to provide the best data possible but Conifer Area Council does not assume responsibility for use by others.