CAC Trails Study/Action Team envisions a network of trails connecting neighborhoods with commercial areas, schools and parks.
Trails may be sidewalks, roadway shoulders, or grade separated pathways. Our system centers on a core loop with links to neighborhoods, local parks and schools as well as regional trails to parks and neighboring communities. Much of the core trail loop is integral with the Conifer Loop Access Plan that envisions alternative transportation bypassing US 285 on both sides. As proposed, new roadways developed as part of this plan would include pedestrian pathways.

CAC Regional Trail Plan Map
Proposed pedestrian trail linking Conifer with other locations in the region. Click to view PDF version.
Colorado Center for Community Development (CCCD) Plans
CAC contracted with CCCD in 2009 to prepare a Conifer Trails Master Plan with an accompanying Streetscape Plan. Although these plans were not adopted by the County, they are valuable references for subsequent planning efforts. Click to view PDF version.
Jefferson County Open Space Trails Master Plan
In 2020 Open Space developed a trails master plan and members of the CAC Trails Study/Action Team provided input during the planning process. This opportunity was important for the team to see that Open Space would consider components of the CAC plan. For a link to the Open Space plan visit
Jefferson County Highways and Transportation Bike Plan
Jefferson County Transportation & Engineering Division developed a bicycle plan that was adopted by the Planning Commission in 2022. This comprehensive plan serves as a blueprint for improving the county’s bicycle network. Members of the CAC Trails Study/Action Team provided input during the public outreach phase of the plan’s development. This input assured that the Conifer area received focus attention similar to the rest of the county. For a link to the bicycle plan visit
Together Jeffco Plan
Jefferson County is developing a comprehensive set of plans that seeks to integrate planning elements covering many aspects of our community including the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation and Mobility Plan, Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Evacuation Annex, and development regulations to create a Unified Land Use Code. Until this effort these many planning processes tended to function isolated from each other. Together Jeffco is a bold step to integrate these plans. Mobility is prioritized in this process. For a link to Together Jeffco visit