The Conifer area is nearly completely reliant on water from what is known as a fractured crystalline bedrock aquifer.
An aquifer is a geologic material with open pores or fractures that can yield water to wells or springs. These small openings store and transmit water that comes primarily from infiltration or precipitation. In developed areas other water entering the aquifer is from infiltration of treated water through leach fields and infiltration galleries.
There is a balance of water coming in, water being removed by evaporation or transpiration through vegetation root systems, water being extracted by wells and water flowing out through the aquifer to eventually be discharged to streams. A critical part of this balance is water held in storage in these openings. Too much water taken out of storage will result in less water available to flow out of the aquifer and the volume in storage could eventually fall to a point where some wells tapping it may “go dry”. But at the same time, if water in storage falls below capacity then the aquifer will be able to take more in, instead of letting it follow out of the system. If the storage capacity is exceeded by water coming in, more water will flow out.
The fractured rock mountain environment, without large streams or lakes, makes Conifer reliant on well-based ground water. The Water Team’s focus is on monitoring both quantity (water levels) as well as quality (Total Dissolved Solids).
Data and interpretations on this website are presented for general information only. This is a compilation of data from multiple sources and the compilers cannot ensure accuracy. Contents are continuously updated and the compilers strive to provide the best data possible but Conifer Area Council does not assume responsibility for use by others.